Kid Koala is not like the others.

I mean who else gets the idea to do a scratch routine with moon river?

Who thinks (and pulls off) a show where everyone has their own turntable in the audience to interact with a performance?

He's the creator of wonderful graphic novels Nufonia Must Fall and Space Cadet

He’s opened for Radiohead

He’s worked on movies like The Great Gatsby, Baby Driver and Scott Pilgrim vs the world

Creativity to the max. Joy to the max.

It really is a treat to have him on the show.

I’ve always been a big fan and Eric really couldnt be any more humble and wonderful !


in the show the MUSIC is back !

Yes for this episode, the musical connections come from the rather brilliant mind of bossada

I got the cassette of this btw and it’s a thing of beauty.

This is great work. Let’s support the good art x



Kind show sponsorship comes from oxi instruments

makers of the excellent oxi one sequencer

Here’s a link to it


if you want to buy one with a HOWA affiliate link together with perfect circuit go

here :)

there's a little video about the oxi as omnichord here