
Super chuffed to have Oliver on the show. Such a big fan of the man.

We’ve had a chance to make a track together called “Charisma

What struck me was the musicality and speed of the guys.

Now Oliver is one. Vaughn Oliver. A true badass that has been making amazing tracks for ages and now some of the most useful and successful splice sample packs.

There are now Two “Power tools” packs.

Here’s a link to the second that I was chatting about with him in the show: Oliver power tools 2 

In the intro segment I mention my collaboration with the terrific folks at

Sounds of Saving for world mental health day.

To quote them

"Music has been clinically proven to have a positive impact on mental health. The right song can affect our psychobiological stress system and create feelings of motivation, happiness and relaxation.We think the world should know that music can fight mental illness."

Hers’a link to my cover of Sly stone of “Thank You” cover 

Music on the show comes from the ace Platz wave 

Music linked here 

Nitty 74 sees me demoing my latest modular synth creation - the Sergio

4 voice poly synth made with serge oscillators and very handy doepfer poly modules

During the segment I mentioned my fave max for live device. Grab it! So cheap, so good!

It's called Chordimist 

Also the essential Div kid ocht - https://divkidvideo.com/modules/


Kind sponsorship for the episode comes from Splice.com 

When you use the promo code audiophiles100 you get a month of Sounds 100 and it's valid until the end of November. 
